Missionary Evangelist Raymond Dombeck

Mission Trips

Brother Ray has been effective on mission fields throughout the world in reaching thousands with his life-changing messages. Below are some highlights in the pictures below. If you would like to help Brother Ray with his mission projects, call him at: (601) 544-0186

Mosque on Temple Mount, Jerusalem

Coastline Accra, Ghana

Orphanage in Ghana

Handing out Bibles to a Ukrainian.

 Chief and family in Kenya

Lost city of Anchor Wat, Cambodia

We wrestle not with flesh and blood.

Distributing Beams Bibles in Kiev.

Budhist Temple, Cambodia

Ukrainian prison

Cambodian Emperor's Shrine

Distributing Beams Bibles in Crimea

Marker board preaching in Cambodia

Indian reservation, Panama 2017

The Wailing Wall, Jerusalem

Mesada, Israel 

Anchor Watt, Cambodia

Distributing Beams Bible to Retired
Ukrainian Soldier and Wife

Youth Crusade in Crimea Peninsula

Mission puppet stage in Kenya, Africa

Bringing hope in Cambodia.

Mexican Cemetery

Mexicans being saved at the alter

Sign painting for Mexican Church

Statue of Lennon in Kiev.

Preaching in the old Soviet Union

Baptistery scene, LaHajas, Panama

Twins, saved in Panama

Beit Shean, Israel

Ghana marketplace

Preaching at the boys school in Ghana

Alter call in Phnom Phenn, Cambodia

Preaching to Kenyan School Children

Painting signs on the 
mission field of Kenya.

Sharing the gospel in Kenyan.

Killing Fields of Cambodia

Russian Orthodox Church

Russian Orthodox Priest

Street preaching in Mexico

Country of Panama, 2017

Contact Raymond Dombeck through Central Baptist Church
5402 US Highway 49  ·  Hattiesburg  ·  MS  ·  39401

 (601) 544-0186